Two years ago, a very precious child, about 8 years old, said, “Nana, you are going to live until you are 99 years old.”  She said it with such conviction that I truly did believe her.  As a matter of fact, I still do.  At 67 years of age that means that I have another 32 years to go. 

Now perhaps you understand the reason for a bucket list.  I plan to fill it to the brim with things I didn’t do in my first 67 years.  The fun part is that I plan to take you all along for the ride!

Although I am an opptomistic, most of the time, I’m not looking at being in my prime for all of those 32 years, but I’d be willing to bet that for 20 of those years I can probably give a whole lot of folks younger and older than me a run for their money.  I am a Nana of six, a Mother of three, and have been married three times.  I am actually in between husbands right now.  I am a pet lover; have one tempermental Schnauzer, a beloved 15-year old cat named Bubba, and one Beta fish.  I am still employed full time, I love to dig in the dirt to beautify my surroundings; I am a crafter and love Santa Claus and the Christmas holidays!  I am a foodie, and have been known to change the subject at least six or seven times within a 5 minute conversation.

Yes, blogging is in my blood and the blogging world has finally caught up with me, so watch out world!

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